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Services We Offer

Prayer Ministry

15 minutes

Prayer is #1 in this ministry. Every year since we began, we begin in January with a 21 Day Fast. We seek God with an open heart and spirit to His guidance and direction of this ministry. 

Jesus taught us the essential and vital importance of prayer. Cleasning our hearts, minds, and spirit is a key, to keeping our hearts in tune with His. The hearts attitude is what is so important in prayer. 

We believe that God has called us to work together in presenting the gospel to all nations. Every revival has always been preceded by individuals devoted to prayer. Why is this? Prayer is preparation. It serves as a spiritual foundation that connects believers with God. It creates an atmosphere of dependence on Him, fostering a spiritual aligment and readiness to receive His presence and guidance. Through prayer we seek God's guidance and direction. It encourages humility and desire for authentic encounters with the Holy Spirit to lead us and participants toward His will in revival. 

Prayer often leads to repentance, which is crucial for spiritual growth, and repentance leads to restoration. Revivals that God ordains typically involve a heart for evangelism and outreach. Through prayer, believers intercede for the lost, asking God to soften hearts and draw people to Him. They are compelled to share the news with others and invite those who don't know Christ, and other believers to come and be a part.

Prayer invites God's presence into gatherings, making space for His work. Many revivals are marked by a heightened awareness of God's nearness, often catalyzed by fervent prayer. 

As revivals grow, prayer supports and sustains them. Continuous prayer is essential to maintain momentum, nurture the spiritual growth of participants, and discern future steps in the revival journey.  


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Are you ready to be part of an authentic spiritual movement that will ignite the fires of revival and usher in a great awakening in your church, city, and nation? Look no further than God Invasion! Our passionate team is dedicated to birthing and releasing the transformative power of God's love and presence, impacting lives like never before. Embrace this opportunity to be part of a powerful movement that is reshaping hearts and communities. Reach out to us now using the form below, and let's embark on this extraordinary journey together. 

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